Individual Tax Return Fee Schedule
Individual Tax Return Fee Schedule | Price $ (incl. GST)*^~ |
Base fee | 259.00 |
Additional fees if applicable | |
Salary/wages, including attributed income (per job greater than 1 job) | 12.00 |
Government payments (per type of payment greater than 1. If you also received salary and wages, then per type of payment greater than 0.) | 12.00 |
Employment Termination Payment (per ETP) | 12.00 |
Lump Sum Payments (per payment) | 12.00 |
Employee Share Scheme income (per ESS) | 12.00 |
Bank Interest (per account greater than 2 accounts) | 6.00 |
Rental property income (per property) | 57.00 |
Dividends (per each individual holding) | 12.00 |
Managed Funds/Investments (per fund/investment) | 34.00 |
Exchange Traded Fund income (per ETF) | 12.00 |
Business/Locum Income (per activity) | 225.00 |
If you’re registered/(required to be) for Goods and Services Tax (GST) | 113.00 |
Business Activity preparation (per BAS if required as you may wish to prepare and lodge your own BAS). | 249.00 |
Sale of rental property (per rental property) | 225.00 |
Are you liable for Division 293 Income Tax (additional tax on super contributions)?# | 57.00 |
* The fee charged for other sources of income, including disposal of shares and crypto currencies is dependent on the complexity of the transaction. Please contact us for further details.
^ Provision of business or taxation advice in addition to advice provided in connection with the preparation of your tax return will incur an additional fee and will be charged at an hourly rate. Our current rate per hour is $330 including GST.
# If your income and concessional super contributions total more than $250,000, you may have to pay Division 293 tax. This adds additional complexity to the preparation of your return.
~ We may charge an additional fee if your records are not provided to us in a timely manner or in a satisfactory state.